The art of joyful living, or yoga on and off the mat
If your forehead is relaxed, you cannot worry.
Swami Veda Bharati: Signs of Spiritual Progress, page 6
We all want to live a life of joy. We want to experience the state of peace and spiritual balance that is our true nature - inner centered awareness.
Just as yoga is a way of life, it is also a state of being. Existence itself. There is no separation between the purpose of yoga and the experience of yoga itself. It is difficult when preconceived notions limit yoga as a separate "to be done" practice.
The word yoga as union implies that there is no separation. There is oneness and awareness of our true nature, living according to our true nature, existing according to our true nature. That is the purpose of yoga.
The first step is to know your own body. Who are you? This is where the exercises come in. There are many tools available for experiencing awareness, including the ultimate tools of meditation.
The sessions are framed by an integrated practice of Himalayan Yoga. During the practice we observe how our body and attention flow with our breath.
By connecting with our breath, the power of thoughts and feelings is weakened. Even the most difficult perceived problems lose their meaning. Our goal is to get closer to our true nature, which is stillness, peace and happiness.
The themes of the sessions are inspired by my own practice, one of my favourite Swami Rama books and by You.
The Himalayan Yoga integrated practice system consists of:
- focus, developing proper breathing,
- joint and gland exercises,
- classical yoga exercises/asanas,
- relaxation,
- pranayama- the breathing exercises of yoga,
- meditation.