  • is an effective technique which is used to treat trigger points and muscular knots. 
  • It helps to decrease pain and relieve muscle tightness. 

Trigger points are formed in soft tissues. Acute trauma, overuse or repetitive microtrauma can lead to the development of stress on muscle fibres. This can lead to muscular knots, known as trigger points. Trigger pointing is the most effective treatment to inactive trigger points and it prompts relief of symptoms.

What is a trigger point?

A trigger point is also known as a muscular knot. A trigger point is an area of contracted muscle fibres that can be highly sensitive. Trigger points cause pain either into the local area or commonly into other areas of the body. Pain associated to trigger points can vary from sharp and intense to a dull ache. Trigger points affect the whole function of a muscle causing spasm and weakness. Trigger points form within soft tissues due to overuse, injury, an imbalance or post surgery.

What is trigger pointing?

Trigger pointing is a specific technique that is used to alleviate pain through isolated pressure and release. It is performed with therapist's thumbs or specific trigger pointing tools; applies direct pressure onto trigger points. The trigger pointing technique breaks the cycle of pain which has built up and kept a muscle area contracted. Trigger pointing relaxes muscle fibres and increases circulation to an area.

When is trigger pointing used?

Trigger pointing is used to help in many circumstances. These circumstances include:

  • Acute Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Tight muscles

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