What is wringing?
  • Wringing is a part of the petrissage massage group. It is performed onto large areas of muscle, for example, lower back, thigh and calf. The wringing technique consists of lifting and squeezing the muscle forwards and backwards. It is used to treat tight muscles, for relaxation and as part of a post event massage. The benefits of wringing are relief of tight muscles, reduced DOMS and improved recovery. It is an effective massage technique to improve the condition of muscles. 
  • It is a manipulation where the tissues are lifted up and wrung from side to side. Compresses soft tissues against underlying structures before they are lifted. The lifted tissues are pulled away gently using the hands and fingers. The thumb is then used to push the tissues back towards the underlying tissues. Wringing can help stimulate the skin, improve the elimination of waste products from the tissues and increase tissue elasticity.
  • is specific massage technique performed onto large areas of muscle. The wringing technique lifts up and squeezes the muscle in a forward and backward motion.
  • It can be performed with different levels of pressure dependent on the desired outcome.
  • It is used to help improve the condition of muscles by removing waste products and increasing tissue elasticity. Can also be used as part of a relaxing massage when performed gently.
When is wringing used?

Wringing can be used to help in many circumstances. These circumstances include:

  • Tight Muscles
  • Relaxation
  • Post event
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